i new the would be some problems when i removed the rub rail but as usally they were much worse than one would expect
There was more or less nothing holding the starboard hull to deck together due to a piss poor previous repair
I had to grind and clean out 29' of joint on the outside of the boat and inject west SIX-10 epoxy which was chosen because it is thickened and self mixes out of a standard caulking gun and then put rivets back into the original holes
It worked out pretty good BUT that was the easy part :)
Then i had to go inside the boat and grind off all the delaminated tape that was supposed to be holding the joint together
This was the mother of all fiberglass snow storms and made about 30 pounds of dust
So after much 6" tape a even more masking tape and paper as i had to do a lot of grinding insides the cabinets the hull is now rock solid